Adjusting to Motherhood: Ramblings Of A Sleep Deprived First Time Mom
I vowed while pregnant that I wanted to be sure to not lose myself completely when the girls were born. Ha. Silly first time mama. Needless to say I have completely been engulfed into the beautiful world of motherhood and I have completely lost myself in my sweet girls. I am so incredibly happy and honored to be a triplet mom. I know this phase of life will go by so quickly I do not feel like I am missing anything what so ever. In fact, I feel like I am complete. I have been thinking lately how this will effect my girls as they get older, if all I am is their mom. I want to raise daughters who are independent, ready to try new things, and not be scared of making mistakes. I am scared that I will become stagnant, not bettering myself outside of motherhood and I am worried I will not be the role model I want to be for them. I don't want to put this pressure on them that they are my entire world (although they always will be). I don't want them to feel like their mom is noth...