How to Prepare for Bringing Home Your Newborn Multiples

-Dont shower for 4 days
-When you do shower forget to shave one leg and spend the majority of your time ugly crying and wondering if you can nap while standing up
-Set an alarm to go off every 2 hours that is high pitched and makes your armpits sweaty
-Run around your house hysterical for an hour in only pants at 2 am
-Stay awake for 24 hours then curl up in bed, and don't sleep, just cry
-Wonder if you can die from not sleeping
-Google if you can die from not sleeping
-Google when babies sleep through the night
-Google what baby poop should look like
-Don't leave your house for a month
-Eat pizza while on the toilet
-Pretend like you have no social skills what so ever and blurt out random words and slur your speech
-Use baby formula for coffee creamer
-Only eat cheese and drink coffee for a week
-Worry about everthing possible
-Identify every squeeky door and spot in the floor, avoid them at all costs
-Learn to do everything one handed
-Learn to poop while holding a baby
-Don't brush your teeth
-Wonder if you will ever feel normal again...

The answer is no.

Good luck! Just remember, even when it seems impossible you will survive. It doesn't get easier, it just gets different. Embrace the chaos, embrace the overwhelming anxiety, laugh at the ridiculous situations and always be thankful. These babies are not a burden, they are the greatest blessing. You are a mom of multiples, so you basically can do anything. 💪💪💪


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