How to Prepare for Bringing Home Your Newborn Multiples
-Dont shower for 4 days -When you do shower forget to shave one leg and spend the majority of your time ugly crying and wondering if you can nap while standing up -Set an alarm to go off every 2 hours that is high pitched and makes your armpits sweaty -Run around your house hysterical for an hour in only pants at 2 am -Stay awake for 24 hours then curl up in bed, and don't sleep, just cry -Wonder if you can die from not sleeping -Google if you can die from not sleeping -Google when babies sleep through the night -Cry -Google what baby poop should look like -Don't leave your house for a month -Eat pizza while on the toilet -Pretend like you have no social skills what so ever and blurt out random words and slur your speech -Use baby formula for coffee creamer -Only eat cheese and drink coffee for a week -Worry about everthing possible -Identify every squeeky door and spot in the floor, avoid them at all costs -Learn to do everything one handed -Learn to poop whi...