
How to Prepare for Bringing Home Your Newborn Multiples

-Dont shower for 4 days -When you do shower forget to shave one leg and spend the majority of your time ugly crying and wondering if you can nap while standing up -Set an alarm to go off every 2 hours that is high pitched and makes your armpits sweaty -Run around your house hysterical for an hour in only pants at 2 am -Stay awake for 24 hours then curl up in bed, and don't sleep, just cry -Wonder if you can die from not sleeping -Google if you can die from not sleeping -Google when babies sleep through the night -Cry -Google what baby poop should look like -Don't leave your house for a month -Eat pizza while on the toilet -Pretend like you have no social skills what so ever and blurt out random words and slur your speech -Use baby formula for coffee creamer -Only eat cheese and drink coffee for a week -Worry about everthing possible -Identify every squeeky door and spot in the floor, avoid them at all costs -Learn to do everything one handed -Learn to poop whi...

Birth to 6 Month Must Haves

It was daunting trying to prepare for the care of 3 infants. There was a lot we needed and a lot that we ended up not needing. Here are my essentials for the first 6 months. I bought almost everything from amazon. Sleep -3 Rock n plays (we started in cribs but quickly found out the girls all had reflux and needed to be at an angle to avoid spit up and they slept a lot better) -3 cribs -Halo sleep sacks (better than swaddling because they can't bust out and you can swaddle arms in or out, I would suggest 6, ideally 9) -White noise machine Feeding -3 Bottle warmers (Doc browns are my favorite, they have a timer so you know exactly when the bottles will be done, super handy when all 3 are screaming for a bottle, downside, 30 seconds can feel like a lifetime. We have had these warmers a year and never had any issues) -Anti colic bottles (we hated doc browns, too many parts for me to clean, but I loved mam bottles, ideally 24, but you could get by with 12 minimum) -Muslin s...

6 Month Review: IT GETS EASIER!

Half a year. 6 months. 24 weeks. 180 days. We made it!  And I'm here to say, it gets better. 6 months was always a hazy marker in the distant future we were working towards. For some reason we always were holding out for this milestone. It felt like it would be huge when we had survived for six whole months, and well, it does. It feels pretty darn amazing, and I cannot believe what a wild ride it has been. The first two months are a foggy blur of days and nights with no differentiation, full of feeding babies, changing diapers, making bottles, and puke. Lots of puke. Jon and I have decided we don't really remember it all too well but we figure it was pretty hard. The third month was easy peasy, I was killing it. I got the girls in an amazing routine. Naps were on point, bedtime set, only one night feed. I got this! Then, the 4th month happened.... The month I shudder when I think about. The month that went to hell in a handbasket. The four month sleep regression hit u...

Feeding Triplets: Let's Get Real About Breastfeeding

I was bound and determined to breastfeed my trio. In fact, I was determined at first to only breastfeed exclusively and pump as a last resort. I always had these beautiful visions of lovingly feeding my babies, gazing into their eyes, sharing a bond so deep, giving them liquid gold that would give them higher IQ's and fewer ear infections. Dream on sister. I do want to say, it is absolutely HANDS DOWN possible to breastfeed triplets. There are tons of mamas who do it and they deserve a big round of applause, because it is not easy. I am beyond fortunate to have been able to breastfeed the short time I did and I will forever treasure those moments. I took breastfeeding multiples classes, read books, watched videos, made lactation cookies, lactation smoothies, got my twin nursing pillow, breast pump, nipple cream... you get the idea. I was prepared! After the babies were born I quickly realized breastfeeding exclusively would never be an option and pumping would be my next be...

Adjusting to Motherhood: Ramblings Of A Sleep Deprived First Time Mom

I vowed while pregnant that I wanted to be sure to not lose myself completely when the girls were born. Ha. Silly first time mama. Needless to say I have completely been engulfed into the beautiful world of motherhood and I have completely lost myself in my sweet girls. I am so incredibly happy and honored to be a triplet mom. I know this phase of life will go by so quickly I do not feel like I am missing anything what so ever. In fact, I feel like I am complete. I have been thinking lately how this will effect my girls as they get older, if all I am is their mom. I want to raise daughters who are independent, ready to try new things, and not be scared of making mistakes. I am scared that I will become stagnant, not bettering myself outside of motherhood and I am worried I will not be the role model I want to be for them. I don't want to put this pressure on them that they are my entire world (although they always will be). I don't want them to feel like their mom is noth...

Timeline of Dr.'s Appointments For My Triplet Pregnancy

Timeline of appointments First appointment at 7 weeks 5 days, found out we had three heartbeats! Second appointment at 11 weeks (last appointment at regular OB), confirmed there were still three and saw them dance around on the ultrasound. Third appointment at a 12 weeks and a few days, first one with new high risk doctor of maternal fetal medicine, screening for down syndrome. Entire second trimester I would see the doctor once every two weeks, we would have an ultrasound at each appointment. At my fourth appointment, at 15 weeks we found out we were having 3 girls! At 20 weeks we did our big ultrasound with anatomy scans on all the babies. It lasted over 3 hours and I almost passed out few times from laying on my back so long. At 22 weeks we took a tour of the NICU so we would prepared and informed if I went into labor early. At 24 weeks I stopped working and started physical therapy for my assortment of aches and pains. At around 25 weeks I had my glucose...

My Triplet C-Section

My c-section was scheduled on August 31, 2016 at 35 weeks. I don’t think Jon or I slept for a week leading up to delivery day, and we both definitely didn’t sleep the night before. We just laid in bed anticipating what the birth of our daughters would be like. I finally lugged my 210 pound self into the shower and got ready, which took over an hour at this point because I got so winded and tired. We sat around not really sure what to do with ourselves, just waiting to leave. We spent some time taking a few pictures of my giant belly. I remember being mad we couldn’t get a picture where it looked as big as I felt. The pictures truly do not do it justice. I remember feeling so incredibly proud to walk all on my own into the hospital and announce I was there to have my three babies. I never thought I would make it as far as I did. After we arrived I put on the infamous gown and they began monitoring the babies hearts. It was probably an hour of Jon and I just hanging out in the r...